Reflective Practice
Where you have ....
A space to be able to explore the impact of your workplace on you.
A space to put aside for 60 minutes all the everyday calls on both of your time and energy.
A place to consider day to day challenges
Time to reflect, consider and evaluate
The Reflective Space
Giving yourself the time to explore, consider and reflect on what is going on in your work space.
Using the time in your own way and at your own pace.
My role is facilitating you in finding your own answers and solutions that are unique to you and your experience, to realise your own potentiality.
A Therapeutic Reflective Space
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." (also Einstein)
What needs to be kept, what can be let go?
What are the challenges, the opportunities?
Allow creativity and imagination to be your guide.
A time to reflect on your growth in the work place.
An opportunity to take time to reflect on issues or concerns using a different lens.
What are my strengths?
How do I work in this landscape?
A safe, confidential space to discuss the impact of the work place and any struggles experienced.
All Reflective Practice Initial Consultations Are Online
All reflective practice initial consultations are online, tailored to address your specific private reflective practice questions.
Face to face consultations are held in Sea Mills, Bristol, BS9
Initial Consultations cost £30.
I also offer a combination of face to face and remote sessions, via phone or Zoom for clients on request.
Please note I only take on a small number of clients for reflective practice per year.
Reflective practice sessions are held monthly.
I charge £50 an hour.
Contact me directly to discuss authorising of sessions, Outcomes Rating Scores (ORS), and invoicing requirements, etc.
What you can Expect
A safe, secure and confidential counselling environment and reflective space
A contract with you, which includes dates, times, issues you want to discuss, explore and work through.
Respect and encouragement of you to talk openly and honestly about what is going on in your way, in your time.
Being listened to, supported and helping you explore, understand and deal with your feelings, difficulties and situations more effectively. (whether practically or emotionally).
A safe space to evaluate your life, helping you to develop strategies to help you either accept or, change your situation
Promote your 'Well-Being' and your independence, in the shortest possible time frame
Work within the ethical guidelines of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists Ethical Framework
Why Work With Me
Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling
* BA (Hons) Housing and Development
* City & Guilds Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector
* ITEC Diploma Anatomy & Physiology
* Usui System Natural Healing - Reiki Teacher
Over 30 years experience of working in the care and support field. Working within the Probation Service and Public and Voluntary Sectors, I have been an advocate for adult survivors of institutional child sex abuse and formerly an Approved Foster Carer for Avon Social Services.
Experience of counselling in an organisation taking GP referrals; Employees Assistance Programmes and private practice, offering both short and long term counselling over a broad range of issues and circumstances.

Investing in You
This is precious time and money that you are investing in you.
You are worthy, you are valuable and you are worth investing in.
It is time to fulfil your potential and become who you are meant to be.