Putting Your Life into Focus

Creating a Safe, Non-Judgemental Space for You
Trusting you know yourself and your experiences better than I do.
A relationship founded on unconditional positive regard, empathy and genuineness.
You use your time in your own way and at your own pace to examine those areas causing you concern.
My role is to assist you in finding your own answers and solutions that are unique to you and your experience, to realise your own potentiality.
Enter into a space where you can .....
Therapeutically and psychologically empower yourself to seize back control of your life.
Work through issues and problems that have worn down your self-esteem, as well as confidence in your own abilities.
Talk openly and honestly about your worries, concerns, problems, issues, difficulties, experiences, feelings, and other aspects of your life in a safe, managed, confidential environment, with a person who doesn't have any other agenda than to offer you non-judgemental acceptance, to listen empathically, to help and support you for as long as it is needed.
Unburden past and present hurts, problems and feelings, promoting your well-being leading to a deeper understanding about yourself as an individual.
Adjust your perceptions and attitudes enabling you to make decisions and/or changes which you weren't able to do before.
Take control of your actions, behaviours and attitudes, as well as help you deal with your feelings, concerns, issues and problems more effectively.

You, may want to explore past or present difficulties, issues, behaviour and/or concerns about ......
Health related issues, stress as a Carer
Anxiety, stress, anger or self harm
Family difficulties or parenting
Bereavement or loss
Hoarding or clutter clearing, obsessive behaviour.
Communication and/or relationship difficulties
Transition or emotional issues
Financial difficulties
Abuse either emotional, mental, physical, sexual or domestic.
These are only a few examples of difficulties we all face from time to time and it is not an exhaustive list, so please phone or email if you require support for another issue.
Let's Work Together
Private Practice Mentoring.
You might have a clear idea of what you want your private practice to look like or you might have no idea at all
Maybe too many ideas and want help distilling them.
I support therapists through this process.
Vision – What does my practice look like?
Promoting myself – How and where should I advertise?
Administrative – How should I keep track of information and finances?
Operational – What are the practicalities of my practice?

'The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.'
Carl Rogers