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What is Person Centred Counselling?

Person centred counselling gives you an opportunity to express yourself freely. The process psychologically empowers you to seize back control of your life, whilst working through issues and problems that have caused you to lose self-esteem, as well as confidence in your own abilities.

Enabling you to talk openly and honestly about your worries, concerns, problems, issues, difficulties, experiences, feelings, and other aspects of your life in a safe, controlled and confidential environment, with a person who doesn't have any other agenda than to offer you non-judgemental acceptance, to listen empathically, to help and support you for as long as it is needed.

Unburdening past and present hurts, problems and feelings, can promote your well being leading to a deeper understanding about yourself as an individual. This can alter your perceptions and attitudes which enables you to make decisions and/or changes which you weren't able to do before.

The purpose of counselling is to help you take responsibility for your actions, behaviours and attitudes, as well as help you deal with your feelings, concerns, issues and problems more effectively.


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